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Losing your sense of hearing in a car accident is considered catastrophic

On Behalf of | Apr 11, 2024 | Car Accidents, Personal Injury |

Car accidents are traumatic and devastating, more so when they cause you severe injuries. Catastrophic injuries are life-threatening or have lifelong implications. These kinds of injuries have consequences that could change your life, such as permanent disabilities preventing you from doing your work. One injury considered catastrophic is the loss of hearing.

Common causes of hearing loss

There could be numerous reasons for your hearing loss after a car accident. Here are three of the most common reasons:

  • Head trauma: Hitting your head hard on the steering wheel, windshield, window or any part of the car could cause head trauma, possibly breaking bones and damaging nerves in your ear.
  • Airbag deployment: When deployed in a car crash, airbags produce a loud noise, potentially causing a ringing sound in your ear.
  • Whiplash: Common in rear-end collisions, a whiplash motion could violently shake your head and neck, possibly damaging neck muscles and tissues, including your inner ear.

Hearing loss is not the only ear injury that can result from a car accident. Pain, bleeding, dizziness, balance problems and buzzing or ringing sounds are also common symptoms of severe ear injuries.

Know your rights

You have the right to seek compensation for your catastrophic injury. You could recover costs for damages, medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, emotional distress, pain and suffering. You are entitled to more compensation when you suffer devastating injuries because you experienced more significant damages. You could also pursue compensation for lost wages due to your injury or the disability you developed. You can claim compensation from your insurance company, as well as from the at-fault driver. When doing so, it is crucial to have enough evidence and dedicated support from a legal professional.

Catastrophic injuries often cause permanent damage, impacting your quality of life. Losing your sense of hearing affects how you experience and perceive the world. Thus, you are entitled to receive enough compensation for this severe injury. Know that there are legal options available when your insurance disregards your case. An experienced catastrophic injury lawyer could advocate for your rights in this complex battle.


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