Skilled Trial Lawyers For

The Seriously Injured

Disabled Students and Injury Risks

Disabled students have a harder time with the educational system than anyone else, facing challenges that other students may never even consider. When the people entrusted to care for disabled children fail, injuries happen. These students deserve representation from experienced, caring attorneys.

At Holmes & Wiseley, P.C., we have built a reputation for highly personalized, aggressive representation of severely injured people from Grand Rapids across Michigan and nationwide. Our ability to focus completely on you and your pain allows us to build a comprehensive, compelling case for the compensation you deserve. And no one needs that level of service more than the students left behind by the education system.

Pursuing Compensation for Vulnerable Students

The Free Appropriate Public Education for Individuals with Disabilities Act (FAPE) entitles every disabled student to an education. This requires districts to create an individual education plan (IEP) for each disabled student. An IEP is a guided plan that holds the school and the district responsible for the proper treatment of the student.

In short, disabled students are at the mercy of the accommodations available to them. Students with significant disabilities are at risk of significant injuries when their needs are not met. We’ve seen the devastating results of inattention and disregard for the safety of disabled students.

We Tell Your Story

Often, insurance companies take the despicable tactic of implying that an injured disabled student is “worth less” because of their disability. These are callous, painful tactics that are an insult to you and your child.

We make a point to illustrate to a jury, to a judge, to everyone exactly how much you matter. We tell your story. We make everyone realize what you’re worth and fight for you no matter what.

Reach out to us today by calling 616-649-1411 or send us an email. Your consultation is free.