Spine Injuries Can Be Devastating and Permanent
When you suffer from the most catastrophic of injuries, you need a strong voice to fight for the justice you deserve. Injuries to the spinal cord and back can be among the most devastating and life-altering injuries you can suffer in an auto accident. According to the Mayo Clinic, auto accidents are among the most common reasons for spinal cord and back injuries.
Accident victims with catastrophic injuries need an attorney with the depth of knowledge and experience to handle these complex cases. Holmes & Wiseley, P.C., has been helping accident victims with catastrophic injuries for decades. Located in Grand Rapids, we serve clients across Michigan and even nationwide.
Understanding Back and Spinal Cord Injuries
Though some back injuries are immediately obvious at the scene of an accident, often people don’t know the exact location or severity of their injuries. Many injuries worsen in the hours and days after an accident, and back injuries are no exception. That is why seeking medical attention immediately after an accident is so important.
Back injuries come in many varieties. You may have suffered any of the following issues:
- Slipped or herniated disk — Pressure on the spine can cause the disks between vertebrae to bulge or move out of place.
- Whiplash — When the head whips back and forth in an accident, it causes great strain on the area around the neck.
- Incomplete spinal cord injury — This means that despite the injury you can still exercise some control below the area of injury.
- Complete spinal cord injury — If you have suffered this type of injury, you have lost all control below the area of injury, leaving you with some form of paralysis.
These are just a few general categories of injuries, but there are many specific diagnoses related to back injuries. If you are not sure whether you or a loved one has a back injury, do not try to diagnose yourself. Allow a doctor to make that determination.
The sooner you seek treatment for your back or spinal cord injury, the better your chances for recovery. Treatment varies based on the severity of your injury. Physical therapy and surgery are common, but if you are facing a lifelong medical condition, your treatment will be ongoing and involved. You don’t have to face this situation alone, however. The attorneys at Holmes & Wiseley, P.C., are ready to fight by your side to make sure you receive the benefits and compensation you deserve.
Call for a Free Consultation with an Experienced Lawyer
If you have suffered a back or spinal cord injury as the result of an accident, talk with an attorney in a free, no-obligation consultation. Call 616-649-1411 or send an online message. If your injuries prevent you from traveling, we may be able to come to you.