If you drive a car, SUV, pickup truck or minivan, your chances of surviving a collision with a large commercial truck without suffering a serious injury are slim. The odds are even worse if you ride a motorcycle.
As a result, you should do all you can to avoid a collision, including making allowances for potential errors by a truck’s driver.
Make sure you are visible
Your car has lights for two reasons – they help you see when it’s dark and help others see you. Some people only think about the first part and turn their lights off during the daytime. Keeping them on all day increases the chances that other road users will know you are there. It is far easier to see a vehicle with its lights on than without, even during the day.
Give trucks a lot of space
You should allow trucks more space than most vehicles for two reasons. Firstly, they need more room to maneuver. You may have seen a truck swing out to the right in order to make a turn to the left. And, if you have ever had a truck overtake you on a hill, you’ll know they cannot zip past as easily as lighter vehicles. Secondly, the blind spots on a truck are far larger than those of the average vehicle, so keeping a good distance reduces the chance that you’ll sit in a blind spot where the driver cannot see you.
Heeding this guidance can reduce the chances that a truck will injure you, but it cannot rule it out altogether. As such, it’s important to understand that you can seek legal guidance at any time, in the event that your vehicle is struck by a truck and you need to learn how to claim compensation.