When you ride a motorcycle, you depend not just on your ability to ride well but on the ability of those you share the road with to spot you and act accordingly.
Unfortunately, many drivers do not see a motorcyclist until it’s too late. They have already made a maneuver that makes a collision inevitable; one the motorcyclist is powerless to avoid. There are several reasons that drivers might not see a motorcyclist. These are a few of the most common.
Many drivers do not pay sufficient attention
Driver distraction is a massive problem for everyone, but especially for those on two wheels. Without a metal cage surrounding you, your chances of escaping a collision with a car without serious injury are slim. Drivers can get distracted by so many things, including phones, food, billboards and the passengers or pets in their car. The faster their speed, the further they can travel in the time as they glance at their phone or do whatever they are doing that might cause them to miss spotting a biker and reacting accordingly.
Drivers may not expect to see motorcyclists
Inattentional blindness is a phenomenon that can explain a driver’s inability to notice a motorcyclist who has been right there in front of them all along. There is so much going on at any point in time that drivers’ brains cannot possibly take it all in. So, they focus on certain things and ignore others. For a driver used to looking out for other cars, that could mean they fail to see a motorcyclist.
If you have recently been hurt in an accident, understanding why a driver may not have seen you could be crucial to holding them responsible for your injuries. They or their insurer may try to blame you instead, so it’s wise to seek legal guidance to fight your case.