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Riding safely as a motorcycle passenger in Michigan

On Behalf of | Sep 21, 2023 | Motorcycle Crashes |

Motorcycle riders often enjoy a solo cruise. But sharing it with loved ones elevates the experience.

However, riders must be wary of how Michigan’s emphasis on motorcycle safety extends to passengers. Knowing what specific laws to observe can help keep the roads safer and make for more rewarding rides.

On motorcycle passenger laws

With a motorcycle passenger aboard, increased rear weight may cause gravitational shifts. The rider must adjust how they accelerate or reduce speed to prevent potentially fatal accidents. Thus, there must be clear communication between the rider and passenger throughout the ride to avert sudden movements or responses.

Those operating with only a temporary instruction permit cannot carry a passenger. But for those with the necessary operator’s license, they must take note of the following:

  • No helmet use under certain conditions: Motorcycle passengers can ride the motorcycle without an approved crash helmet if they are at least 21, have at least medical insurance worth $20,000 on top of the required liability insurance, have at least a two-year endorsement or proof of passing a motorcycle safety course.
  • No age restrictions: Unlike other states, Michigan allows children to ride motorcycles as passengers. However, riders or parents must consider their child’s size. They must be tall enough for their feet to reach designated rests or pegs. But the rule considers exceptions on disability cases.

Despite these accommodating rules, motorcycle riders and passengers can still do more to heighten safety measures. For example, riders can apply force steadily to avoid abrupt breaks. Similarly, passengers should hold on as tightly as possible and steer clear of distracting actions or behaviors.

On enjoying smooth and safe rides

Everyone has the right to enjoy the roads, including motorcycle passengers. If they observe state laws strictly, they can savor the ride while protecting other road users from life-threatening risks. But suppose passengers are already fighting for their lives after a tragic crash. In that case, their legal counsel can guide them through their options and the legal navigation.


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