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Fiery motor vehicle accident at local smoke shop

On Behalf of | May 10, 2021 | Car Accidents |

Our roadways can be scary, but what many may not realize is that the dangers of motor vehicles are not just restricted to roadways. Indeed, since our roadways connect everything around us, every building that touches a street is at risk of impact from a runaway vehicle. This is what happened recently at a local business.

The motor vehicle accident

According to the Gardiner Fire Department, the motor vehicle accident occurred at around 4:00 a.m. Tuesday morning. The car accident occurred on Route 201, when a driver fell asleep behind the wheel and careened into the Route 201 smoke shop, which ignited the car and building on fire. It is unknown the status of the driver or whether there were any additional bystanders injured.

After a motor vehicle accident occurs

When one is involved in a motor vehicle accident, immediately call 911 to ensure that police and medical personnel respond. It is imperative that injured people get the help they need and that the car accident is documented by the police department.

However, keep the details of the accident on that call to a minimum. Things said in the heat of the moment, under duress and with possible head injuries can still be used against someone in a future case.

After calling first responders

This is why one’s next call should be to an attorney. Then, take pictures. Take as many pictures as possible because this will help the attorney recreate the accident scene to help in future court proceedings. For Grand Rapids, Michigan, residents involved in a motor vehicle accident, remember, what one does now can determine what happens later.



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