Holmes & Wiseley, P.C.

Archive for May, 2021
May 24, 2021

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. Although there have been recent reforms, Michigan is still well-known as what commonly gets called a strong no-fault state. The idea behind no-fault insurance is that Michigan residents pay for coverage that will compensate them for injuries or the death of a loved one caused by a motor […]

May 10, 2021

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. Our roadways can be scary, but what many may not realize is that the dangers of motor vehicles are not just restricted to roadways. Indeed, since our roadways connect everything around us, every building that touches a street is at risk of impact from a runaway vehicle. This […]

May 6, 2021

by Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. As the weather warms, many Michigan motorcyclists enjoy more time on the road, and it is important that these riders know how state law treats cyclists. Knowing the answer to a few important questions could help them protect themselves on the road. What are Michigan’s motorcycle licensing requirements? While Michigan […]