Holmes & Wiseley, P.C.

Archive for September, 2023
Sep 21, 2023

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. Motorcycle riders often enjoy a solo cruise. But sharing it with loved ones elevates the experience. However, riders must be wary of how Michigan’s emphasis on motorcycle safety extends to passengers. Knowing what specific laws to observe can help keep the roads safer and make for more rewarding […]

Sep 15, 2023

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. An underride accident is one of the most dangerous types of truck accidents that a motorist in a passenger car can be involved in, and very often leads to severe injuries and even fatalities. All accidents involving semi-trucks and small passenger cars are dangerous due to the size […]

Sep 13, 2023

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. Brain injuries can manifest in various forms after a car crash, including concussions, contusions and diffuse axonal injuries. Each type presents unique challenges related to diagnosis, as symptoms may not manifest immediately. The truth is that even minor collisions can result in hidden consequences, and one of the […]

Sep 12, 2023

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. In the fast-paced world of transportation, truck drivers play a vital role in keeping goods flowing across the country. However, the long hours on the road can take a toll on their health and safety. One of the most significant concerns in the trucking industry is sleep-deprived driving, […]

Sep 10, 2023

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. Most people recognize that distracted driving is dangerous, as there have been many campaigns intended to raise awareness about the hazard of mobile devices used by those driving vehicles. However, distraction remains a consistent safety concern that causes thousands of preventable traffic deaths every year in the United […]

Sep 7, 2023

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. In the fast-paced world of today, it’s not uncommon for people to find themselves battling exhaustion and stress. Unfortunately, the consequences of sleep deprivation can extend far beyond “mere” fatigue. Sleep is a fundamental biological need and without it, one’s physical and mental well-being suffer. Modern lifestyles often […]

Sep 5, 2023

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. Before embarking on an adrenaline-packed ride to bask on Michigan’s scenic routes or to simply run quick errands, some motorcyclists tend to test their limits by wearing whatever clothing they want. However, failure to wear the appropriate protective gear only leaves them more vulnerable than they already are […]