Holmes & Wiseley, P.C.

Archive for June, 2023
Jun 21, 2023

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. A car accident is a traumatic event in and of itself, especially if you or a loved one sustains injuries. Frustration levels may rise when the person responsible flees from the scene. Apart from feeling insulted by such insensitivity, you now have to worry about lost wages, medical […]

Jun 21, 2023

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. Distracted driving has long been a problem across America, causing over 32,400 collision-related fatalities nationwide from 2011 to 2020. Many things can distract drivers from seeing the road ahead and cause a collision, such as eating while driving or using a GPS. But Michigan recently enacted a law […]

Jun 19, 2023

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. Any car crash might lead to major expenses for the people involved in the wreck. Oftentimes, vehicles require repair or replacement after a collision, and more serious crashes may lead to injuries that require emergency medical care and result in long-term financial challenges. One factor that often exacerbates […]

Jun 14, 2023

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. Catastrophic brain injuries can occur from various incidents involving a violent blow or jolt to the head or sometimes to the body. Objects that go through the head, such as bullets or shattered pieces, including portions of the skull, can also cause a traumatic brain injury (TBI). When […]

Jun 2, 2023

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. Around 58,500 people sustain a traumatic brain injury every year in Michigan. A TBI is either closed or penetrating. Nothing enters the skull with a closed injury, but an object has entered the skull in a penetrating injury. Penetrating brain injuries These catastrophic brain injuries involve an object, […]