Holmes & Wiseley, P.C.

Archive for November, 2022
Nov 30, 2022

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. The brain is the most important organ in the body; as such, one should take all the necessary steps and preventive measures to keep it safe and functioning at its optimal level. However, certain head injuries can cause permanent brain damage, depending on the type and severity of […]

Nov 23, 2022

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. It is difficult to imagine that anyone can survive a horrific underride collision. Such a crash occurs when a smaller vehicle slides under the side or rear of a large truck and gets trapped underneath. The top of the smaller vehicle often becomes sheared off. But the few […]

Nov 22, 2022

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. The recent news of comedian and entertainer Jay Leno’s hospitalization due to serious burns brings to the forefront the potentially life-threatening nature of such an injury. Leno – the former host of “The Tonight Show” – suffered burns to his face, chest and hands while working on a […]

Nov 22, 2022

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. A driver’s poor judgment in getting behind the wheel drunk led to a tragedy from which your family may never recover. After a night of drinking at a local tavern, the man inserted the car keys in the ignition and drove away. Ten minutes later, the driver’s car […]

Nov 14, 2022

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. People who have been involved in Michigan car accidents often suffer injuries to the back or neck. Even when a person is wearing a seat belt during a crash, their body can be violently jolted in different directions. Often, pain in the neck or back occurs but the […]