Holmes & Wiseley, P.C.

Archive for December, 2022
Dec 28, 2022

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. A motorcycle accident could inflict severe injuries, many of which may not result when involved in a vehicle collision. For example, a Michigan motorcyclist may suffer road burns upon hitting and sliding on the asphalt surface. Motorcyclists might face severe head trauma and broken bones when hit by […]

Dec 21, 2022

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. Public schools in Michigan have to do their best to accommodate children with special needs. Children can receive appropriate support based on their needs, which the school district can evaluate on a case-by-case basis. In addition to supporting children who are capable of participating in mainstream classes, the […]

Dec 21, 2022

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. Car insurance in Michigan costs more than it does in many other states, in no small part because of no-fault insurance requirements. The high cost of the average insurance policy in Michigan led to a high number of people not carrying insurance as they should. When uninsured drivers […]

Dec 14, 2022

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C. Sideswipe accidents are quite common in Michigan and around the country and are the cause of approximately 2,500 deaths each year. A sideswipe accident occurs when two vehicles traveling in the same or opposite directions crash into the sides of each other. Sideswipe accidents can result in serious […]