While many organs are vital to one’s life, the brain is arguably the most important. Without it, one is not alive; without it functioning properly, a person is not truly him or herself. This is why a brain injury is considered one of the most catastrophic injuries one could suffer in an accident. Such an injury does not only put one’s life at risk but could also jeopardize one’s health and life as they have known it to be.
Type of brain injuries
There are two major types of brain injuries. This first is one that is acquired. This means that the brain injury is related to a tumor or a neurological illness. The other type, and the focus of this post, is a traumatic brain injury. This is caused by an external force, such as a blow to the head, resulting in damage to the brain.
Traumatic brain injury
There are four types of injuries that could lead to a traumatic brain injury. The first is suffering a blow to the head. While different events could lead to this, car accidents are a frequent cause. Not all blows to the head will result in a TBI; however, they could be the result of a less severe head injury that could still impact an accident victim.
A penetration injury could result in a TBI due to an object penetrating the skull, entering the brain and damaging the brain. Such an injury could occur in an automobile crash. The third type of brain injury is not commonly suffered in a car accident. This occurs when there is a severe shaking of the head. This can result in nerve tissue to tear, damaging the brain. The final type of injury that could lead to a TBI is whiplash. This occurs when there is a quick back-and-forth motion of the head, causing injury to the brain.
Impact of a TBI
A head trauma is not always apparent following an accident; however, when and if symptoms of a TIB do arise, it is important for victims to consider the possibility of a TBI. This includes symptoms such as problems with balance, blurred vision, dizziness, delayed responses, headaches, memory loss, nausea, ringing in the ears, seizure, slurred speech and vomiting.
While these symptoms can be severe, what is most significant with a TBI is the fact that it could have life-long impacts. A victim’s physical, mental and emotional capabilities could be reduced or altered. Additionally, one’s daily life could be completely changed or constrained. Thus, it is important for accident victims that have suffered a TBI to understand their rights and options. A personal injury action could help one hold a liable party accountable for the accident that caused the injury and harms, but it could also assist with the recovery of compensation for the damages suffered.