Holmes & Wiseley, P.C.

Jul 7, 2020

On Behalf of Holmes & Wiseley, P.C.

Brain injuries are one of the leading causes of disability and death in the United States. But do you know fact from myth? People often read or hear misleading information about traumatic brain injuries (TBI) that can impact their knowledge and understanding of the condition.

Understanding and having the correct facts about brain injuries is crucial for children suffering from a traumatic brain injury. Brain injuries can, in some cases, be permanent. Also, brain injuries are often hard to diagnose, and it may take time to discover the extent of the damages.

To help you better understand and distinguish fact from myth, below are some of the top four common myths associated with traumatic brain injuries and children:

#1 Myth: If your child looks good, they have recovered from their brain injury. Despite their physical injuries healing, children can still show signs of learning problems and cognitive needs.

#2 Myth: A mild brain injury isn’t as damaging as others. Even though most people who suffer from a concussion and whiplash do make a full recovery, they can sometimes have lifelong effects or permanent damage that will require additional help.

#3 Myth: Younger children can recover faster from brain injuries and don’t suffer much damage to their brains. Children’s brains are incredibly vulnerable to brain injuries which can affect the growth of their brains. Just because the child may have undeveloped areas in the brain, it doesn’t mean they are safe from future complications. The brain will continue to develop and grow, but it will do this from the damaged area, causing difficulties with future development.

#4 Myth: Recovery from a brain injury for children is a year. Brain injuries aren’t as simple as a broken leg. Often the effects of a brain injury are permanent, and the recovery process requires a lifetime of adjustments.

Brain injuries are not like other injuries. There are many factors that medical professionals have to consider when treating a child with a potential brain injury.