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Car Accidents
- Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer in Grand Rapids, MI
- Motorcycle Accident Attorneys in Grand Rapids, MI
- Pedestrian Accident Lawyer in Grand Rapids, MI
- Rideshare Accident Lawyer in Grand Rapids, MI
- Uninsured Motorist Lawyer in Grand Rapids, MI
- What Steps Should You Take After a Car Accident in Michigan?
- Catastrophic Injury Lawyer in Grand Rapids, MI
- Civil Litigation Lawyers in Grand Rapids, MI Available 24/7
- Commercial Vehicle Accident Lawyer in Grand Rapids, MI
- Complex Commercial Litigation in Grand Rapids, MI
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Blog Posts
- 2 killed in Isabella County crash
- 2017 saw 9 percent rise in large truck traffic fatalities
- 3 expenses people often overlook after a major car crash
- 3 important questions about motorcycling in Michigan
- 3 reasons why semi-truck accidents occur
- 4 C's riders must keep in mind about their motorcycle gear
- 5 tips for sharing the road with large trucks
- 5 winter driving tips for sharing the road with delivery trucks
- 7 notable facts about Michigan auto accidents
- Aaron Hernandez documentary outlines the potential impact of CTE
- After the crash: catastrophic injuries
- An RV collision can lead to catastrophic injuries
- Are distracted driving laws having an effect on teen deaths?
- Are motorcycles more dangerous to ride than cars?
- Are SUVs as safe as manufacturers claim?
- Are uninsured motorists still an issue on Michigan roads?
- Arrested for DUI, Now What?
- Ask an Attorney: 3 Tips for Dealing with Insurance After a Motorcycle Accident
- Autonomous vehicles may have human weaknesses
- Avoiding dangerous vehicle collisions over the holidays
- Be aware of large truck blind spots
- Brain injury resulting from car crashes
- Broad-based liability a common reality in commercial truck crashes
- Build up your claim’s value by defending yourself
- Can I Claim Compensation for Whiplash in a Car Accident?
- Can I Sue the Trucking Company After an Accident?
- Car accidents may lead to common injuries
- Car accidents top cause of unintentional death in U.S.
- Causes of motorcycle accidents
- Chest pain after a car accident
- Common causes of commercial truck accidents
- Common hazards motorcycle riders face
- Common reasons for truck accidents
- Coping with a catastrophic brain injury
- Coping with paralysis after a car accident
- Could road conditions factor into an injury claim?
- Couple sues cruise line over exposure to COVID-19
- CVSA announces week-long brake inspection event
- Deadly trucking accidents have parents upset with U.S. lawmakers
- Dealing With Insurance Companies After a Truck Involved Accident
- Deaths from TBIs after car accidents higher for minorities
- Debunking 5 common myths about traumatic brain injuries
- Delayed school start time reduces vehicle accidents for teens
- Determining a Fair Settlement in a Personal Injury Law Suit
- Determining third-party liability in truck accidents
- Did a family member with special needs get hurt at school?
- Did a nursing home cause harm by overmedicating a loved one?
- Diffuse Axonal Injuries require immediate medical attention
- Distracted driving accident types you can't afford to ignore
- Do I Need A Lawyer If I Am Involved In An Automobile Accident?
- Do I need to take my personal injury claim to trial?
- Do you know how to avoid underriding a semitruck?
- Do you need to sue after an auto collision?
- Does no-fault insurance prevent lawsuits after a Michigan crash?
- Drivers forget to remember motorcyclists, study finds
- Drivers who cause fatal accidents more likely to use opioids
- Drowsy driving is similar to impaired driving
- Drunk driving can lead to catastrophic injuries and ruin lives
- DUI Defense
- Expert witnesses can be a boost to your accident claim
- Factors in truck accidents
- Fatal crashes increasing in the texting era
- Fatal hit-and-run car accident kills pedestrian in Grand Rapids
- Fatal semi-truck accidents still rising
- Fatal truck crashes rise 9 percent, HOS rules may be to blame
- Fiery motor vehicle accident at local smoke shop
- Fleet operators are using technology to combat distracted driving
- Frequently-asked questions about Michigan's wrongful death laws
- Has repealing helmet requirements caused rider deaths to spike?
- Head Injuries Require Experienced Legal Counsel
- How are traumatic brain injuries caused?
- How can families support traumatic brain injury survivors?
- How can I protect myself from distracted driving
- How can rehabilitation help patients with severe TBIs?
- How can truck drivers avoid sleep-deprived driving?
- How car crashes that result in brain injury can change your life forever
- How catastrophic brain injuries can affect daily life
- How catastrophic injuries affect your quality of life
- How comparative fault works in Michigan
- How dangerous is truck driver fatigue?
- How do helmet laws and usage impact motorcycle accident outcomes?
- How do Michigan’s PIP benefits work?
- How does no-fault insurance work after a serious injury?
- How is a Trucking Company Liable for Its Drivers' Actions?
- How low should your windows go?
- How much is my auto accident case worth?
- How much PIP coverage do Michigan drivers need?
- How poor truck maintenance causes accidents
- How TBI affects the mental health of vehicular accident victims
- How to avoid drowsy driving
- How to avoid the 4 most common motorcycle accidents
- How to Deal with Insurance Companies After an Auto Accident
- How to defend against wrong-way drivers
- How to find a truck accident attorney for a seriously injured spouse or partner
- How to properly care for someone with a brain injury
- How vehicle blind zones are endangering children’s lives
- Improving truck safety with speed limiter use, other safety tech
- Increase your knowledge of a catastrophic brain injury
- Increasing visibility for motorcyclists to prevent motorcycle accidents
- Injuries to the lumbar spinal cord
- Is risky driving becoming a problem?
- Is the driver always liable when a truck accident happens?
- Is your bad mood dangerous on the road?
- Is your child’s school bus driver free of drugs and alcohol?
- Isabella County car collision injures four
- Jay Leno’s mishap highlights the seriousness of burn injuries
- Know how to hold truck companies accountable
- Long-term traumatic brain injury costs can be financially crippling
- Losing your sense of hearing in a car accident is considered catastrophic
- M-91 head-on collision in Turk Lake kills kindergarten teacher
- Maximizing compensation awards after a catastrophic semi-truck crash
- Maximizing Your Motorcycle Accident Claim: Insights from Holmes & Wiseley, P.C.
- Medical advances are promising for serious injury victims
- Michigan addresses distracted driving issue, bans drivers from using smartphones
- Michigan car accident law is different from anywhere else
- Michigan is one of the deadliest states for winter driving
- Michigan is strengthening protections for injured visitors
- Michigan police say fatal accident investigation is ongoing.
- Michigan truck accident kills 1 and injures 4
- Michigan’s auto insurance changes take effect July 1
- Most common injuries in a truck accident
- Most Dangerous Roads In Grand Rapids, Michigan
- Motor vehicle accidents can cause spinal stenosis
- Motor vehicle accidents due to speeding teen drivers on the rise
- Motorcycle accident compensation if not wearing a helmet
- Motorcyclists overly represented in fatal traffic accidents
- Myths vs facts about brain injuries and children
- Navigating fault and negligence in auto accidents
- Navigating the Aftermath of a Motorcycle Accident: Your Legal Roadmap
- Navigating the Complexities of Commercial Vehicle Accidents
- New York court sets new limits for brain injury damages
- NGA publishes report on improving U.S. road safety
- Not wearing a helmet can threaten your accident compensation
- Other vehicles pose risks to motorcyclists
- Pedestrian crash still under investigation
- Police identify victims of fatal motorcycle crash
- Police investigation into deadly Michigan crash continues
- Post-traumatic stress may be a crash injury
- Preventing dangerous sideswipe accidents
- Protect yourself and your rights after a motorcycle accident
- Pursuing compensation in a wrongful death lawsuit
- Quality rehabilitation vital after spinal cord injuries
- Reducing teen drowsy driving accidents
- Research could help spinal cord patients regain function
- Ride-share drivers at risk of drowsy driving accidents
- Riding safely as a motorcycle passenger in Michigan
- Road rage incident leads to traumatic brain injury
- Rooting out the causes of commercial truck accidents
- Safety advocates worry: Teen truckers may soon be driving
- Safety concerns after truck weight limits increased
- Self-driving car technology is already available
- Settling out of court with a trucking company
- Shelter at home leads to rash of reckless driving
- Short-term responses to TBIs can make a long-term difference
- Slip and fall accidents and traumatic brain injuries
- Some candid words about personal injury wrongful death representation
- Spinal cord injury damages can be utterly devastating
- Spring driving can be treacherous
- Spring has sprung, and so have premises liability hazards
- Statistics: texting and driving more common and deadly than ever
- Steps to Settling a Personal Injury Claim
- Steps to take after a hit-and-run
- Steps to take immediately after a car accident to ensure medical bill coverage
- Strokes can cause catastrophic brain injuries
- Substance abuse in the trucking industry
- Survey examines distracted driving on U.S. roads
- Survive a motorcycle accident with these five tips
- Teens better drivers when there are later school start times
- Texting is not the only distraction when driving
- The dangerous effects of drowsy driving
- The horrific underride collision gets government attention
- The most dangerous day for pedestrians is a popular holiday
- The steps out-of-state students should follow after a crash
- The symptoms of soft tissue injuries
- The Ultimate Guide to Car Insurance for Out-of-State Students in Michigan
- The worst injuries after an auto accident may not present immediately.
- These action steps might help ease a catastrophic injury
- Tips for avoiding commercial truck accidents
- Tire care and commercial trucks
- Top 4 motorcycle helmet myths
- Traumatic and non-traumatic brain injuries
- Traumatic brain injuries can lead to disability or death
- Truck Accident Law Varies State to State
- Truck accident statistics reveal collision dangers
- Truck driver dies in collision with passenger vehicle
- Truck drivers and drowsy driving
- Types of injuries that cause brain damage in Michigan
- Understanding Michigan’s No-Fault Car Accident Laws
- Unfolding TBIs and the impact they have on accident victims
- Untreated medical conditions render truckers dangerous
- Vehicle collisions may result in brain injuries
- Vital facts to know about brain injuries
- Volvo researchers identify 6 common types of truck accident
- Walking A Dangerous Road
- Weather Channel faces lawsuit over fatal crash with storm chasers
- Week aims to improve commercial vehicle driver safety
- What are the 4 types of paralysis?
- What are the causes of the motorcycle death wobble?
- What are the different types of traumatic brain injuries?
- What are the statistics on truck accidents and injuries?
- What are the symptoms of brain injuries in children?
- What are the ten catastrophic brain injury recovery stages?
- What Are the Time Limits for Filing an Auto Accident Claim?
- What are the top causes of semi-truck crashes?
- What can be done after the wrongful death of a loved one
- What can drivers do to stay safe around trucks?
- What can worsen a traumatic brain injury?
- What happens after a TBI?
- What happens if a school restrains and injures a student?
- What if I aggravate a pre-existing condition in a car accident?
- What injuries are common among motorbike riders?
- What is a concussion, and what are its effects?
- What is an underride accident?
- What is Product Liability Law?
- What is the penalty in Michigan for texting while driving?
- What is the three-second rule for motorists?
- What makes an injury catastrophic?
- What parents can do to keep teen drivers safe in summer
- What to do after a hit-and-run
- What to do after a traumatic brain injury?
- What to Do Immediately After an Auto Accident
- What to do when struck by a commercial truck in a rideshare
- What to expect after a car accident
- What to expect from rehabilitation after a traumatic brain injury
- What to Know About Commercial Trucking Laws in Michigan
- What to know about the next International Roadcheck
- What you should do after a motorcycle crash
- What’s a Michigan left and how does it prevent accidents?
- What’s the correlation between sleep-deprived and drunk driving?
- When can you expect to recover after a catastrophic car accident?
- When is an injury from a motor vehicle accident catastrophic?
- When preventable injuries surface among people with special needs
- When to ignore the ringing of your company cell phone
- Who are people most likely to subscribe to distracted driving?
- Who can file a wrongful death lawsuit?
- Who pays for home modifications after a spinal cord injury caused by a truck accident?
- Why are roundabouts proven safety countermeasures?
- Why do brain injuries sometimes go undetected?
- Why do many drivers fail to see motorcyclists?
- Why do people cause wrong-way accidents on the interstate?
- Why is distracted driving so hazardous?
- Why is distraction such a major issue for road safety?
- Woman killed in two-car collision
- Wrong-way motor vehicle accidents a rising problem in the U.S.